Convocation-2022 Ceremony for Pass out Students(Batch 2021-2022 ) was held on 24th November, 2022, In total 430 students were attended and received the Certificates and Prizes.
Diploma Certificate Distribution Ceremony for Pass out Students(Batch 2020-2021 ) was held between 31st January, 2022 to 5th February, 2022, In total 387 students were attended and received the Certificates and Prizes.
(Due to Covid-19 protocols laid by the Govt. of Maharashtra convocation ceremony was organized Department wise in a week)
Cultural Activities at SBMP
Cultural Activities at SBMP
A MULTITECH 2020 exhibition was jointly organized by Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai and Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic Alumni Association on 2nd and 3rd March, 2020 at Babubhai Jagjivandas Hall, Juhu, Mumbai. The exhibition provided opportunity to alumni to showcase their products and services to other industries and engineering students.
A MULTITECH 2020 saw 51 exhibitors from across the industries and 1438 visitors (including 609 alumni).
The ex-teachers and alumni got an opportunity to reunite at one platform.
The exhibition was accompanied by technical conference on Digital India. The conference covered the emerging areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Industry 4.0, IoT and Block chain. Eminent academicians and industrialists participated in the conference.The exhibition was sponsored by Yashpal Construction Pvt. Ltd, Rajeev Plastics Industries and Indian Oil Corporation.
MULTITECH 2020 Hackathon & Conference on Digital India

Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Vile Parle had organized Inauguration Ceremony of SBMP student branch on 5th November, 2019. Mr. George Arakal, Chairman, CSI Mumbai Chapter graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Mr. Ravikiran Mankikar, Vice Chairman, CSI Mumbai as Guest of Honor. The ceremony started with Saraswati-Vandana and Lamp Lighting by the dignitaries and carry forwarded by SBMP Anthem. The ceremony inaugurated with welcome address to all the dignitaries, faculties and students given by HOD and vice principal Mrs. Neeta G. Kadukar, SBMP and Inaugural Address given by Principal, Mr. Vinod B. Vanvari, SBMP.
Chief Guest, Mr. George Arakal narrated the history and the working of the CSI and delivered a small talk on Digital India. Attending the function as the Guest of Honor, Mr. Ravikiran Mankikar, delivered a small talk on Cyber Fraud. Dr. Suresh A. Shan, Secretary, CSI Mumbai discussed about CSI Membership benefits, CSI Training Programs, CSI Awards, INFASE, publications, and more. Dr. Rajiv B. Desai, Treasurer, CSI Mumbai Chapter also dignified the ceremony with their presence.
Ignite IT-2019
Information Technology department organized and successfully conducted a Technical Fest “Ignite IT-2019” on 16th of February -2019. There were 2 events conducted Code Carnival and WebD. In all 71 students participated from different colleges. The event ended up with a prize distribution ceremony giving certificates to all the participants and awards to the winners.
29th Diploma Convocation-2018
The 29th Diploma Convocation -2018
Ignite IT-2018
SVKM's Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic had recently organized a fest named IgniteIT on 3rd of March -2018 There were 2 events conducted CppStorm and Beat the clock which was won by Mr. Om Shah and Mr. Priyank Patwa respectivly. In all 71 students participated from different colleges. The event winded up with a prize distribution ceremony giving certificates to all the participants and awards to the winners.
Clean Beach Drive
A clean beach drive was arranged by Information Technology Department on 1st Feb. 2018 for II nd Semester students as a part of the course EVS and DLS under "Swacchha Bharat Abhiyan". The drive was an immensely successful activity which helped to inculcate Environmental ethics, Social responsibilities and team building skills among the students under the guidance of Mrs. Radhika Patwardhan and Mrs. Prachi Arora. A clean beach drive was arranged by Information Technology Department on 1st Feb. 2018 for II nd Semester students as a part of the course EVS and DLS under "Swacchha Bharat Abhiyan". The drive was an immensely successful activity which helped to inculcate Environmental ethics, Social responsibilities and team building skills among the students under the guidance of Mrs. Radhika Patwardhan and Mrs. Prachi Arora.
‘Deployment of National Web portal for implementation of National Apprenticeship Training Scheme’

The one-day workshop on ‘Deployment of National Web portal for implementation of National Apprenticeship Training Scheme’ was jointly organized by Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic and Board of Apprenticeship Training (WR), Mumbai on 19th Dec. 2017 at Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai.
The objective at the workshop was of create awareness about the online facilities and modules on the National Web Portal and bring together both academia and industries on the same platform of share their views and feedback.
Training placement officer Mr. G.J. Badwe welcome the participants. Principal Mr. U.M. Kantute addressed the participant and thanked the industry person for their continuous support. Mr. Amit Sheth, member of managing council, S.B.M. polytechnic expressed best wishes for the participants.
The first session started of 10.30 am. Mr. N.N. Wadode, Deputy Director explain the different modules of the web portal. The section ended at 12.00 a.m. After for lunch break of 30 minutes, second session start at 12.30 in computer lab 5, fifth floor. Hands on training was given to the participant. The workshop was attended by thirty-one (31) representatives from different companies such as B.E.S.T, Zenith Engineering corporation, Invotech, R.R. planstic etc. At the end of the workshop the participants Interacted with Heads of Department and Training placement officer.
First International Conference On Emerging Trends in Computer and Mechanical Engineering (SBMP-ICETCAME 17), 15-16 Dec 2017

First International conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Mechanical Engineering (SBMP-ICETCAME-2017) is organised by Computer and Mechanical Engineering Department during 15-16 December 2017.
The objective of the conference is to keep abreast the researchers and technical students about the latest trends of technology, research and development in the diversified field of Mechanical and Computer Engineering and where all can connect, meet, greet and share their knowledge and expertise in the respective field.
The conference is convened by Shri Pravin R. Parate, Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Dept and Shri Abhijit Dongaonkar, Lecturer Computer Engineering Dept.
Dr. G.T. Thampi, Principal, Thadomal Sahani college of Engineering was the chief guest, and Hon. Shri Amit Sheth, Member, Managing Council presided over the function.
Dr. Prachi Gharpure, Principal, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, and Dr. Santosh Rane, Associate Proff. Sardar Patel College of Engineering, presented a keynote speech.
A Medical Camp by Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic Employees Co-Operative Credit Society Ltd.
A free Medical Camp was organized by Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic Employees’Co-Operative Credit Society Ltd. for all staff members of polytechnic on Tuesday 12th December 2017 at 9.30am to 12.30pm at Physics Lab. Altogether 102 staff members attended the camp and availed the benefits.
28th Diploma Convocation-2017

The 28th Diploma Convocation Ceremony was held on 28th September, 2017. Around 388 students received Diplomas at the hands of Chairman Shri Pravin H.Doshi.
Prof (Dr) V.G.Gaikar, Vice Chancellor, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technolocial University, Lonere was the Chief Guest.
Staff and students of the Polytechnic as well as Invited Guests including the members of the Managing and Executive Committees of Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal, Board of Studies of the Polytechnic, Visiting Faculty and examiners, Industry Experts associated with the Institute, Principals of the other Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges, Officials from the Government and Parents of the recipients of Diplomas attended the Convocation.The programme started with invocation by the students and staff of the Polytechnic.
Principal introduced the Chief Guest Prof (Dr) V.G.Gaikar and thanked him for accepting the invitation to be the Chief Guest to distribute the prizes and deliver the convocation address. He presented brief report on the progress of the Polytechnic. He then requested the Chief Guest to give away the Prizes, Scholarships and Trophies to the meritorious students.
Prof (Dr) V.G.Gaikar delivered the Convocation Address.
Teachers Day, Engineers Day and Hindi Divas in SBMP was 15th September 2017. The function was held at seminar hall on 5th floor where all the staff members gathered at 12:30 pm.
As a part of teacher’s day celebration, students of mechanical engineering department presented a skit for entertainment (A TEACHER TAKES A ‘HAND’, OPENS A ‘MIND’, AND TOUCHES A ‘HEART’.)of teachers. The programme also included speeches and quiz for teachers. Teachers were felicitated by gift. Teachers got very delighted by the programme organized for them.
"As a part of Hindi Divas entire program was anchored in Rashtra bhasha Hindi. Games kept for teachers where they asked to convert the English words into hindi.
Engineer’s day was celebrated by keeping technical presentation. Students of information technology presented technical details on emerging trends in IT.

Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition. It embodies unity of body and mind, thought and action, harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and wellness.
We, at Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, celebrated 3rd International Day of Yoga, 2017 on 21st June 2017 at 9.30 am.
The programme was co-ordinated by Mrs. A.A.Kulkarni. It was inaugurated by our Principal Shri. U. M.Kantute. In all, there were 30 participants from Faculty and Staff, who were benefitted by the session.
Mr. Sandip Narang from Samarpan Meditation Group enlightened the participants regarding the trace and importance of yoga. Participants were instructed to follow the demonstration of various aasanaas shown by yoga instructor. All the participants appreciated yoga session and the same was concluded with vote of thanks.

One week ISTE approved Short term training program on “Professional Development for Technical Teachers’’ was organised by Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai during 15th May, 2017 to 20th May, 2017. Total 34 teachers participated in the program. The program was inaugurated on 15th May 2017 at 9:30 a.m by our Chief guest Dr. S.K. Ukarande in presence of Dr. A.G. Patil and other dignitaries by lighting the lamp.
Dr. Puja Sukhija, Principal U.M. Kantute, distributing certificate to the participant and Chief Guest of Valedictory Program Shri V.D. Vaidya
Summary of the program:
Registration of all the participants for this STTP was started at 8:30 am on 15th may, 2017 and given training kits. After Inauguration and tea break our chief guest delivered the inaugural speech.

The Electronics Department of the Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic organized an in-house workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) for the upcoming Engineers of the Institute on 16th and 17th of February, 2017. In all 45 students participated in the workshop.
The workshop saw a number of Guest Lecturers and Alumina coming in and imparting their valuable knowledge with a gist of their priceless experiences. The program was formally inaugurated at the hands of the Chief guest- Prof. Dr.Prasad Joshi (HOD, Electronics, DJSCE) who introduced the students with the various platforms, designs and architecture which could be blended along with the IoT. A few of them being: Basic 8051 architecture, Arduino, Intel Galileo Gen2, Raspberry Pi and so on and so forth.
Next, was a lecture by 2 founders of UtopiaTech (an upcoming Start-Up) - Mr. Shashank Shah (Bhagubhai alumina) and Mr. Ayush Jain. They gave a brief idea on WHAT IS IoT and threw light upon the various protocols which can be used for communicating between various devices, which precisely is IoT. They also shared their Start-Up plans and discussed how they use IoT for their products.
The second half of Day 1 was conducted by Mr. Bhavin Kamdar (Proprietors, EMBEDOS and a Bhagubhai alumina). He introduced the students with Arduino Nano - the environment that can be used for IoT. The students also got a Hands-On-experience with Arduino Nano and performed a small task to Blink LED.
Day 2 was a continuation of the practical session of day 1. It was again conducted by Mr. Bhavin Kamdar. He taught how to interface Arduino with internet using the ESP8266 module (Wi-Fi Module)-the first Step towards IoT. He demonstrated the AT-commands used for ESP.
The second half of day 2 saw Mr. Noorain Panjwani (student at VJTI and a Bhagubhai pass-Out). The young talent presented a live-Time epitome of IoT. The networking topics like- Servers and Clients, Topologies, Cloud computing were taken up gracefully by him. He discussed about his On-going Project- THE IoT Pipeline which was a great inspiration for the Students.
The workshop was concluded by a Vote of thanks to all the lecturers by faculty members of the Institute along with sharing of personal experiences of the students regarding the 2-day workshop.

The 27th Convocation was held on 25th October, 2016. 388 students received Diplomas at the hands of Chairman Shri Pravin H.Doshi. Shri Achyut Godbole, Managing Director, Softexcel Consultancy Services was the Chief Guest.
The Staff and students of the Polytechnic as well as Invited Guests including the members of the Managing and Executive Committees of Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal. Board of Studies of the Polytechnic, Visiting Faculty and examiners, Industry Experts associated with the Institute, Principals of the other Polytechnics and Engineering Colleges, Officials from the Government and Parents of the recipients of Diplomas attended the Convocation. The program started with the invocation (prayer) by a group of students and staff of the Polytechnic.
Principal introduced the Chief Guest Shri Achyut Godbole and thanked him for accepting the invitation to be the Chief Guest to distribute the prizes and deliver the convocation address. He presented brief report on the progress of the Polytechnic. He then requested the Chief Guest to give away the Prizes, Scholarships and Trophies to the meritorious students.
Juhu Beach Clean Up Drive

Mechanical Engineering Department arranged a “Clean up drive” at Juhu beach on 16th September, 2016 for imparting the importance of Environmental Cleanliness to the first year students of Mechanical Engineering. The drive was conducted successfully under the efficient guidance of our faculty members Shri Ashok Chore (HOD - Mechanical Engineering Department), Shri Gajanan Badwe and Shri Girish Deshpande.
Essay Writing Competition

Essay Writing Competition was conducted in the Polytechnic for the occasion of Rajya Maratrhi Bhasha Din 2017 on 27th February, 2017 . Approximately 35 students were participated in the competition.
Other Activities
-Festum-2K17, a fun-fair was organized by the Cultural committee of Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic on 17th January 2017. This marked the beginning of the cultural events in the 2nd term of the academic year 2016-17. The event was organized in the Pravin Gandhi pavilion in the polytechnic premises. There were nearly 21 stalls put up by the students of which some were food stalls and the others were game stalls. The response to the event was very good going by the large number of students who were seen enjoying at the festival. There was competition amongst the stalls and three prizes were given.
-Computer Department has been conducted Pro-search workshop to give expertise for their final year project for VI CSE/IT students on 14/1/2017.
-An Expert session on ‘Projects in Embedded Systems’ for VIth Sem CSE & IT students on Tuesday, 10/01/2017 at 01:30pm in LR-IT by Mrs. Neeta Kadukar.